AnxietyAnxiety disorders involve feelings of worry, nervousness, fear, or unease. Anxiety can interfere with daily life, and in many cases can lead to panic attacks. Typically, the anxiety is about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. If you would characterize your anxiety as excessive, intense, and continual, then you may need mental health treatment. Get treatment HIPAACompliantDo you need mental health treatment for anxiety? An evaluation can tell you.At bonmente, all mental health treatments start with an evaluation by one of our expert mental health practitioners, many of whom specialize in treating anxiety. By exploring your symptoms, concerns, and lifestyle, our qualified mental health providers can determine whether you have an anxiety disorder, and if so, what kind. For our patients with anxiety disorders, the initial evaluation is the springboard to developing a mental health treatment plan that works. Our providers work closely with patients to find solutions that can effectively treat patients’ needs.What causes anxiety?In certain situations, especially distressful ones, anxiety is a perfectly natural emotional state. However, if it becomes persistent, it can take a toll on your overall wellness, quality of life, and interpersonal relationships. There are risk factors that can predispose people for anxiety disorders. These include: brain chemistrypersonalitylife eventsgeneticsIn some cases anxiety is the first symptom of an underlying medical condition, such as:thyroid problemsheart diseaseaddictionchronic paindiabetesheart diseaseirritable bowel syndrome (IBS)What are anxiety symptoms?The most common anxiety disorder symptoms are worry and fear, which can become frequent, intense, and excessive. Oftentimes, a normal situation triggers it. For someone with an anxiety disorder, meeting an old friend for lunch can trigger a spiral that keeps you from leaving the house. In certain cases, if the anxiety spikes it can cause a panic attack, which for some people can be so intense that it may feel like they are dying.Other symptoms include:a sense of impending danger or doomfeeling nervous or restlessincreased heart ratehyperventilatingsweating and shakingstruggling to focus or make coherent decisionsfeeling weak or unsteadypoor sleepupset stomach or diarrheaHow’s my anxiety?If you are worried your anxiety may qualify as a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), then we recommend you take the GAD-7. This patient questionnaire is self-administered and easy to use. It screens for and measures the severity of GAD. PLEASE NOTE: This self-test is not a replacement for professional evaluation. If you are experiencing concerning symptoms, please call us at 310-360-7200 for an appointment. Start quizHow is anxiety treated?“Fortunately, anxiety is a highly treatable mental health condition,” says Mottsin Thomas, a psychiatrist at bonmente. “With the right combination of therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes, patients can take control of their anxiety and lead better lives.”Bonmente’s mental health practitioners create treatment plans based on each patient’s unique history and goals. These plans may include therapy, medications, or a combination of both.Many patients benefit greatly from talk therapy. Our therapists help patients learn specific skills to manage symptoms and gain confidence in navigating anxiety-inducing situations. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven to be a highly effective form of therapy for anxiety disorders. Bonmente therapy sessions can take place over our secure telepsychiatry platform.In addition to therapy, medications can alleviate symptoms. Bonmente providers have the qualifications to prescribe anti-anxiety medications such as Ativan, Klonopin, and antidepressants such as Zoloft or Lexapro. On rare occasions or for patients with other health considerations, sedatives, benzodiazepines, or beta blockers may be prescribed on a short term basis to provide relief. Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.– Anne LamottGet well sooner with bonmenteDon’t let out-of-control anxiety make life any harder for you. Bonmente is here to give you the help and support you need. Start treatment today How’s my anxiety?The GAD-7 is an easy-to-use self-administered patient questionnaire that screens for and measures severity of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).PLEASE NOTE: This self-test is not a replacement for professional evaluation. If you are experiencing anxiety, please call us at 310-360-7200 for an appointment. 1 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 2 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by not being able to stop or control worrying? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 3 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by worrying too much about different things? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 4 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by trouble relaxing? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 5 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by being so restless that it’s hard to sit still? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 6 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by becoming easily annoyed or irritable? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 7 / 7How often in the past two weeks have you been bothered by feeling afraid as if something awful might happen? Not at All Several Days More than Half the Days Nearly Every Day 0% asdasdasdasdasdas