Treating ADHD The Ethical & Thorough Way Posted on January 31, 2023November 7, 2024 by bonmente When you have ADHD, getting through the day can sometimes feel like you are wrestling a mythical beast. And if simple tasks disguised as Herculean feats weren’t enough to contend with, finding an ADHD treatment that works for you can leave you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. Many medical professionals often take the inflexible approach to treating ADHD, not considering individual symptons or personal history. This approach can lead to ineffective treatment plans that don’t address the unique needs of each person.BUT YOU ARE NOT JUST A NUMBER.You have special strengths and powers waiting to be unlocked by a treatment plan tailored to your needs.At bonmente, we believe it’s time to move beyond ‘one size fits all’ solutions. We explore conscientious ways to treat ADHD through comprehensive assessments and tailored treatments the thorough and ethical way.WHAT IS ADHD? AND WHY DOES ASSESSMENT MATTER?Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition often linked to genetic factors. And while the exact origin may be unknown, proper diagnosis plays an integral role in safe and successful treatment. For this reason, it’s crucial to obtain an accurate evaluation from qualified providers who can understand your personal history and determine whether any other causes are potentially responsible for your symptoms.During the assessment process at bonmente, we will gauge how long you have been dealing with symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness, how much interference they cause in everyday life, and how best to target intervention with individualized strategies.TRADITIONAL TREATMENT VS. OUR APPROACHWe understand the temptation to reach for stimulant medications when faced with an ADHD diagnosis. They work. But they can also lead to dependence, increased anxiety, and heart problems. Our top priority is your well-being. Instead of automatically handing out prescription drugs as a solution, we’ll take time to review your situation and consider more holistic approaches.Our mission? To find what works best without compromising safety or putting you at risk.So, in addition to lifestyle changes and routines such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management, we encourage our patients to explore options like therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), specifically, shows tremendous promise in helping ADHD patients restructure their thought processes to manage their symptoms better.And while optimal treatment for ADHD is usually a combination of therapy and medications, holistic approaches like these can get to the root of troubling symptoms in a way that medications cannot. By leveraging the power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), patients can take steps to break free from a lifetime of self-critical thinking. CBT can help by replacing harmful cognitive distortions with healthier ones that pave the way for more positive emotions.Bottom line: If you have been treated for ADHD before, we’ll thoroughly review your history, symptoms, and medical records to find what works … (and what doesn’t.)GET THE HELP YOU NEED.Living with ADHD can feel like you’re living in a never-ending obstacle course, sometimes exciting, sometimes scary, always a challenge. With the right combination of personalized treatments, you can harness your ADHD brilliance and unlock your unique strengths. This allows you to channel your potential effectively and build the confidence needed for a fulfilling life.If you are seeking ADHD treatment in Long Beach, CA, contact bonmente today.